The Man Who Knew Too Much


On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show off talking about how there is a giant spider loose in Kyle’s house. Then, Cam brings up a strange Sasquatch encounter while a person was out deer hunting. Since the encounter, the person refuses to hunt or hike in that area. Then, Kyle brings up a werewolf type creature living in the sewer’s of Minot, North Dakota.

After the break Kyle talks about the recent death of Jeffrey Epstein and the possible connection to the Clinton’s. The Clinton Body Count refers to a conspiracy theory, parts of which have been advanced by Newsmax publisher Christopher Ruddy among others, that asserts that former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton have assassinated fifty or more of their associates.

All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

Show Notes:


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at

Songs Used:

  • Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin
  • The Last Passenger
  • Down The Line
  • Future Blind

Readers Comments (5)

  1. Kyle, I had to laugh at your refrigerator story. Literally came home last Thursday to a puddle of water on my kitchen floor. I spent exactly $1699 on the new one and my kids 10 & 12 can’t quit opening the damn thing! Anyway love your show keep on keepin on😉

  2. What a hit job on the Clintons. Unfounded accusations that have never had a shred of reliable evidence to support them. Shame on you for perpetuating the kinds of lies that are destroying this country.

    • Hey Veronica, I think you missed the point of this episode. This is not our theory, it’s a popular theory on the internet. We were just bringing the theory to light. If we discarded every conspiracy theory, every ghost story, every UFO or cryptid sighting then we wouldn’t have much of a show. Of course we don’t believe every story or theory we see or hear about. Expanded Perspectives is a safe-place where people like us who are fascinated by the unkown can come together to share ideas, sightings, theories and fears. We aren’t and don’t pretend to be authorities on any of the subject’s we cover. We just like having fun and sharing with others. Have a good one, Kyle and Cam

  3. So guys, after two weeks you haven’t deleted the comment because you recognize that, unlike your conspiracy theory, it has merit. However, you lack the guts to admit when you’re wrong, so you’re just leaving it unmoderated so it looks like there are no comments to this episode and no one will scroll down to find my comment?

    I expected a whole lot better of both of you. Very disappointing. What’s next, some “birther” garbage? Chemtrails? Are you going to advocate the flat earth theory and denounce global warming?

    • I take back my last comment – you did delete my comment pointing out that the entire Clinton conspiracy theory was already debunked and merely fake propaganda – as you easily could and should have found before even planning out this episode just by checking

      The single most important aspect or characteristic for anyone who investigates and/or reports on any type of mysterious phenomenon is not their experience, education, training, tech gear and knowledge, woodsmanship, devotion to or fascination with the subject, or any skill. It’s credibility.

      Credibility requires a focus more on the truth and accuracy than an interesting storyline. It requires that one investigate both sides of the story, and admit when one is wrong. By allowing this episode to stand, as-is, with no after-the-fact acknowledgment that your sources were driven by political agenda rather than facts, you have shown that you have no credibility. And, by deleting my earlier comments not because they were “trolling” (they weren’t), but because you couldn’t man-up enough to admit you made a mistake, you lack integrity.

      Guys, by trying to defend this bogus fiction and political hackjob, without presenting both sides or how thoroughly debunked and nonsensical this conspiracy theory is, you have shown a lack of integrity. Your show has become the podcast equivalent of an episode of Ancient Aliens featuring Scott “I’ll Ignore All the Real Evidence” Wolter and Alex Jones. If your egos allow any truth to filter in beyond just the affront to criticism (100% constructive), you should be ashamed of yourselves.


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